Health Insurance FAQs for Young Adults

Understanding Health Insurance: Key Takeaways for Young Adults in Quakertown, PA

For young adults, navigating the realm of health insurance can be daunting and perplexing. Typically, around the age of 24-25, young adults roll off their parent’s insurance, and it’s time to find their own coverage. At R&R Insurance Group LLC, serving Quakertown, PA, and its surrounding areas, we strive to simplify this aspect of adulthood for you. Here are some commonly asked questions about health insurance relevant to your needs.

Is Health Insurance Really Necessary?

Yes, it is. The current costs of medical care are generally too high for the average person to pay for out of pocket. You require the financial shield of health insurance to bear these types of expenses. If you have a chronic health condition, having reliable health insurance coverage in place is crucial to safeguard your financial security.

What are Premiums and Deductibles?

When shopping for health insurance, you’ll encounter two recurring terms – premiums and deductibles. A premium is the monthly rate you pay to be a part of an insurance plan. The deductible, however, is the amount you need to pay out of pocket for your medical care before your insurance policy begins covering costs. In general, a higher deductible equates to a lower monthly premium.

How Do I Get Signed Up for Coverage?

The easiest and fastest way to get enrolled for coverage is to consult an insurance representative. If your employer offers insurance coverage, you’ll likely discuss options with an HR professional at work to get registered. If you plan to acquire coverage independently, it’s advisable to contact a reputable insurance provider in your local area.

To learn more about health insurance, please get in touch with us at R&R Insurance Group LLC, serving Quakertown, PA, and its surrounding regions.