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R&R Insurance Group

2115 Allentown Road
Quakertown, PA 18951

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Umbrella Insurance

It's always a good idea to consider additional liability insurance coverage. Sometimes you might only need it for your home, or other times you might only need it for a boat or a home. But what happens if you need it (or would like it) for everything? Well, instead of going in and adding extra liability insurance to all of your policies, why not instead take out umbrella insurance for everything? With umbrella insurance, you can instantly add that layer of protection that's designed to protect you, your family, and your assets from a variety of financial and legal issues. Now, umbrella insurance may be perfect for you, or there might be another option better suited for your particular needs. Whatever the case may be, if you live around greater Quakertown, PA, let our friendly Pennsylvania R&R Insurance Group staff help you find the right kind of insurance coverage for your unique needs.

Umbrella Insurance Provides Additional Peace of Mind

Sometimes the kind of insurance coverage you currently have isn't enough. Maybe you want to go above and beyond for liability coverage. You never know what might happen. Someone could slip on your sidewalk and then try to bring a lawsuit against you. You could even have someone touring your house fall downstairs and try to do the same thing. The fact of the matter is you never know what might happen, which is why you need to protect yourself from any possibilities. This is possible with umbrella insurance, which will cover all of your assets under one label. If you live in Quakertown, PA, and want to learn more about umbrella insurance, or you'd like to determine if you are the right candidate for such a policy, give our Pennsylvania staff here at R&R Insurance Group a call whenever you get a chance. We can sit down and go over all your needs to determine the right kind of insurance coverage for your family.

While our office is located in Quakertown, PA, we service clients all across Pennsylvania & New Jersey.

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