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R&R Insurance Group

2115 Allentown Road
Quakertown, PA 18951

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Boat/Watercraft Insurance

Pennsylvania has abundant boating opportunities with many water bodies such as rivers, streams, natural lakes, and human-made dams. It is estimated that about 86 boating accidents occur in Pennsylvania in one year. Pennsylvania does not have insurance requirements for watercraft, but as a boat owner or operator, you must obtain proper coverage before hitting Pennsylvanian waterways. The safest and most crucial decision to take to guarantee your protection while on the water is to contact our agents at our R&R Insurance Group in Quakertown, PA to get a coverage that is right for you.

Boat insurance provides coverage for your watercraft or a motorboat if it gets stolen, vandalized, or engaged in an accident against the covered peril like lightning or fire. Watercraft insurance covers you in the event of a loss or damage to your boat. This policy covers most watercraft with motors, including fishing boats, pontoon boats, paddle boats, yachts, and leisure crafts.

Boating expeditions are captivating, adventurous moments but come with insurmountable unique risks. It's crucial to acquire boat insurance to cover yourself and your crew when calamities strike unexpectedly. The amount of boat insurance coverage matching your needs depends on several factors, including the boat's value, age, size, and how to use it. Visit our R&R Insurance Group offices at Quakertown, PA, and obtain salient watercraft insurance that suits your needs and budget.

Types of watercraft insurance policies offered in Pennsylvania.

Property policy

This form of policy protects your boat and other watercraft vessels from the covered perils. It caters to your boat repair cost if it's damaged in an accident and replaces your boat if it's stolen.

Liability policy

This policy covers the expenses involved when you cause an accident and damage other people's property.

Medical payments policy

This coverage caters to medical bills for you and your crew boarding your boat at the time of an accident. This form of policy will help pay other prevailing medical expenses such as medication x-rays and hospital bills.

Uninsured and underinsured boat policy

This form of the policy pays for injuries or damages to you, your crew, and your boat if it collides with another uninsured or underinsured watercraft when a disaster strikes.

Comprehensive policy

This policy caters for compensation if your boat becomes vandalized, stolen, or damaged after an accident other than a collision.

Call us or visit our R&R Insurance Group offices in Quakertown, PA today for any queries or more information concerning boat insurance.

While our office is located in Quakertown, PA, we service clients all across Pennsylvania & New Jersey.

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